User's Manual

InfoSet 408 System Manager’s Guide 1 - 3
Issue 1 NEC America, Inc
This guide gives you the information you need to decide how best to use
your system and to perform each of these tasks quickly. Each chapter
covers one of the system manager’s four main areas of responsibility.
Chapter 2, “Planning Your System” helps you decide how you want your
system to answer incoming calls and helps you plan your greetings and
Chapter 3, “Setting Up Your Systemexplains the parts of your system
the technician has set up and guides you through your part of the setup.
Chapter 4, “Training Users” covers the points you need to convey to your
organization’s operator and to all subscribers on the voice messaging
Chapter 5, “Maintaining Your System” describes the ongoing tasks you
perform to keep your system running efficiently. It also introduces call
routing keys, a powerful feature that provides you with flexibility in
handling calls.
Chapter 6, “Expanding Your System With Call Routingdescribes all the
aspects of call routing and how it works.
3 U
As system manager, you use the system managers conversation to add,
delete, and reset mailboxes; to change the opening greeting message
and system schedule; and to perform other maintenance operations.
3.1 System Managers Password
The system managers password identifies you as system
manager. As a system manager, you are also a regular InfoSet
408 Voice Mail subscriber. Your system manager password
also serves as your personal ID.
When the voice messaging system is first installed, the system
manager’s password (personal ID) is 797647 (SYSMGR on
lettered telephone keypads). Change the password
immediately, and protect your system by changing your
password regularly.