User's Manual

InfoSet 408 System Manager’s Guide 3 - 3
Issue 1 NEC America, Inc.
"Welcome to the InfoSet 408 Voice Mail system! Now that your mailbox is
open, please spend a few minutes reading the
InfoSet Voice Mail User
, which introduces you to the new system. Also, leave a short reply
to this message, so I will know that you successfully heard my message."
Keep a checklist of individual replies and contact those people who have
not opened their mailboxes after a reasonable time.
Refer to:
Using The System Manager’s Conversation on page 1-4
Recording Your Opening Greeting on page 3-3
Setting Up Your System Schedule on page 3-4
Setting Your Operator’s Extension and Mailbox on page 3-6
Changing the System Manager’s Password on page 3-8
Training Users on page 4-1
Ongoing Maintenance on page 5-1
Message Groups on page 5-4
InfoSet Voice Mail User Guide
4 R
Callers hear the opening greeting when their call is answered by the
InfoSet 408 Voice Mail automated attendant. InfoSet 408 Voice Mail
plays the appropriate greeting during business hours, after business
hours, and for holidays.
The system managers conversation prompts you to record both a day
greeting and a night greeting. If you have already recorded these
greetings, you can review them and rerecord them. You also record a
holiday greeting in this part of the conversation.
To record your opening greeting:
1. Access the system manager’s conversation.
2. Select action 5, as prompted, to change opening greetings.