User's Guide

1.5.1 Target
Each basic command functions to a specified target. The target points the managed element by address path
much like the path to a file in a file system.
Both absolute path, which is started from "/", and relative path are available for pointing the target.
Specifically, "." and ".." are supported. The "." means the current default target and the ".." means the parent
Specifying the target, enter <target> following to each basic command. If it is not specified, commands
functions to a current default target. The current default target can be changed by the cd command. The
current default target is "/"(root) when the command line interface session is started.
1.5.2 Basic options
This section describes basic options based on SMASH style.
-h | -help
Displays documentation about the command verb.
When this option is specified, the command is not executed.
This option is supported by all basic commands.
-x | -examine
Checks the syntax of the command.
When this option is specified, the command is not executed.
This option is supported by all basic commands.
-d | -display <type>[,<type>,…]
Shows information of the selected <type>.
This option is supported by show command.
Type can specify the following items. If there are multiple types, they must be separated by commas.
targets[=(<name>, …)]
Shows the target.
When <name> is specified, the target that matches <name> is displayed.
If there are multiple <name>, they must be surrounded by parenthesis and separated by
properties[=(<name>, …)]
Shows properties.
When <name> is specified, the property that matches <name> is displayed.
If there are multiple <name>, they must be surrounded by parenthesis and separated by
Shows supported commands.