User's Guide

When you specify the encrypted password, please input as follows. See 1.4.3Encrypting of the password.
esmcli -u Administrator -p {ENC}c10f239c9f7d203fa4424bffb06b6713
When the log in is successful, 'esmcli' prompt is displayed.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Version5
Copyright (C) 2004-2011 NEC Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-> Logging out of the shell mode
To exit the shell mode, enter the exit command or input Ctrl + C.
-> exit Keyboard Shortcuts
This section describes keyboard shortcuts list.
Table 1-1 Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts Description
Enter Decision.
BackSpace Erase one character.
Tab Autocompletes from the cursor position.
Moves the cursor backward one character.
Moves the cursor forward one character.
Recalls the prior command.
Recalls the next command.
Ctrl + B
Moves the cursor backward one character. (equivalent to the key "")
Ctrl + F
Moves the cursor forward one character. (equivalent to the key "")
Ctrl + A Moves the cursor to the line start.
Ctrl + E Moves the cursor to the line end.
Ctrl + G Move the cursor to the top of the word before one.
Because there are space and hyphen ("-") and directory separator ("/"or"\"),
the word is discerned.
Ctrl + P
Recalls the prior command. (equivalent to the key "")
Ctrl + N
Recalls the next command. (equivalent to the key "")"
Ctrl + I Autocompletes from the cursor position. (equivalent to the key "Tab)
Ctrl + V Paste. (Supported only in Windows OS.)
Ctrl + J Decision. (equivalent to the key "Enter")
Ctrl + M Decision. (equivalent to the key "Enter")
Ctrl + H Erase one character. (equivalent to the key "BackSpace")
Ctrl + L Clear the screen. (Supported only in Linux OS.)
Ctrl + K Delete the line after the cursor position.
Ctrl + U Delete the line before the cursor position.
Ctrl + W Delete all the letters from the cursor to the directory separator before one.
Ctrl + D When there is an input, delete one character of the position of the cursor.
When there is not an input, finish the shell mode.
Ctrl + C Finish the shell mode.