User's Manual

Signal Name Entry Method
Select [Source Edit] [Name], then press the ENTER button to change to the
signal name entry display.
Here, the character entry and deletion methods will be described.
A maximum of 10 characters can be entered for the signal name.
Use the remote control number buttons and CTL button to enter the letters.
Example: Enter XGA
1) Enter X. (X is on the 8 button.)
Each press of the 8 button moves the selection through the sequence of
VWX8 which repeats. Select X. To enter lower case and other charac-
ters, hold down the CTL button and select the characters.
2) Use the cursor / button to move the cursor to the next position.
Enter G and A using the same method as in Step 1).
* If a mistake is made, use the cursor / button to align the cursor with the
error, select the character, and correct it. To delete a character, press the CLEAR
3) Press the ENTER button to set.
Name Input
Name Input
Name Input
Name Input
Name Input
Correrspondence Table for Number Buttons and Letters
Number Buttons Press Directly Used with CTL
1 ABC1 a b
c !
2 DEF2 d e
f ” 3 GHI3
g h i #
4 JKL4 j k l
5 MNO5 m n o %
6 PQR6 p q
r &
7 STU7 s t
u ’
8 VWX8 v w x (
9 YZ?9 y z
/ )
0 * , . 0