User guide

5. Run the following command on the CLI to update the EM firmware. For details, refer to
This command takes some time to update the EM firmware.
After the EM firmware has successfully been updated, the EM card is automatically restarted.
Updating the EM firmware
Updates the EM firmware of the EM card.
Specify the URL (tftp/ftp/http) on which EM firmware image is set for <URL>.
Example of <URL> Specify the path from the user home:
"tftp://<the host name (or the IP address)>/<the path>" (for tftp)
"ftp://<the host name (or the IP address)>/<the path>" (for Anonymous ftp)
"ftp://<username>:<password>@<the host name (or the IP address)>/<the path>" (for ftp
(user password))
"http://< the host name (or the IP address)>/<the path>"(for http)
* <the path> includes the name of the file of an EM firmware image.
The area enclosed with double quotations '"' is case sensitive. Type "tftp", "ftp", and "http" in
lower case.
6. After the EM card is restarted, log in to the EM card as "Administrator" or a user whose
access right is ADMINISTRATOR or OPERATOR on the CLI of the EM serial console or
EM console.
7. Run the following command on the CLI to confirm that the EM firmware is updated. For
details, refer to "Commands."
Confirming the version of the EM firmware
Displays the version of the EM card and EM firmware version.
The EM firmware is now upgraded. Restore the following configuration data as necessary. For
details, refer to "Verifying, backing up, and restoring the EM card configuration."
When updating the EM firmware, back up configuration data as necessary. If two
EM cards are not installed, the settings of the blade enclosure are erased unless you
back up configuration data. Passwords of users are not backed up. After restoring
configuration data, reconfigure the passwords of the users. The time zone is also not
backed up. After configuration data is restored, reconfigure it as necessary. For
information on how to configure the settings, refer to "Initial settings."