User guide

Removing a power unit ..................... 85
Power unit cover ........................................... 86
Opening the power unit cover .......... 86
Closing the power unit cover ........... 87
Moving the key box .......................... 87
Power on and off ...................................................... 88
Powering on and off the blade
enclosure ........................................................ 88
Powering on and off the blade
enclosure without uninterruptible
power supply system (UPS). ............ 88
Powering on and off the blade
enclosure with uninterruptible
power supply system (UPS). ............ 89
Powering on and off a CPU blade .............. 90
Powering on and off a CPU
blade by its power switch ................. 91
Powering on a CPU blade
by the blade enclosure ..................... 91
Powering on a CPU blade via a
network (switch module/pass-
through card)/serial connector
(CPU blade) ....................................... 91
Powering on a CPU blade by the net
work serial (COM) port of an EM card
............................................................ 92
Command-line interface (CLI) (EM card) ................. 97
Connecting a cable to a console ................. 97
Starting a console ......................................... 97
EM serial console (serial
connection) ......................................... 97
EM console (Telnet connection) ....... 98
EM console (SSH connection).......... 98
Initial settings ................................................. 99
Date and time settings
(EM card) ........................................... 99
User settings (EM card) .................. 100
Rack settings (EM card) ................. 101
Blade enclosure settings
(EM card) ......................................... 101
Network settings (EM card) ............ 103
SNMP settings (EM card) ............... 106
Setting module access right for
an user (EM card) ........................... 108
Power unit settings (EM card)........ 109
Verifying, backing up, and
restoring the EM card
configuration ..................................... 110
DianaScope settings (EM card) ...... 112
Other settings (CPU blade) ............ 112
Console connection to switch
module/pass-through card ............... 112
Other settings
(switch module/through card) .......... 113
Checking operational status ........................ 114
Blade enclosure ............................... 114
Fan unit ............................................ 114
Power unit ........................................ 115
Updating the enclosure manager
firmware ........................................................ 116
Setting EM firmware image ............ 117
Updating the EM firmware .............. 118
Password recovery ...................................... 120
Replacing modules .................................................. 121
Switch module/pass-through card ............... 121
CPU blade ................................................... 122
EM card ....................................................... 123
Fan unit ........................................................ 125
Power unit .................................................... 126
Command input Specifications................................ 131
How to start a CLI ...................................... 131
How to start ..................................... 131
Via the EM serial console .............. 131
Telnet/SSH ....................................... 132
How to enter a command .......................... 133
Basics ............................................... 133
How to enter a command .............. 133
Prompt .............................................. 134
Key operation for entering a
command .......................................... 134
User account management ......................... 136
Overview ........................................... 136
Default user...................................... 136
User account .................................... 136
Access right ..................................... 136
Administrator..................................... 136