User guide

Configuring the IP address of the sec
ondary NTP server .......................... 173
Configuring the name of an
SNMP community allowing the
Get operation ................................... 173
Configuring the name of an
SNMP community allowing the
Get/Set operation ............................. 174
Configuring the name of an
SNMP community allowing the
Trap operation .................................. 174
Configuring a SNMP contact .......... 175
Configuring an SNMP location ....... 175
Configuring the blade enclosure
location in the rack ......................... 176
Configuring the rack height............. 176
Configuring a SNMP TrapAck
port number...................................... 177
Displaying the network settings ...... 177
Displaying the SNMP settings ........ 178
SNMP Trap test ............................... 179
Enclosure management command ............. 180
Downloading the configuration
settings (restoration) ........................ 180
Switching active EM ........................ 181
Restarting the EM firmware ............ 182
Configuring the function to
automatically terminate CLI ............. 182
Configuring date and time .............. 182
Configuring the function to display
events ............................................... 183
Configuring the asset tag of the blade
enclosure ........................................ 184
Configuring the machine serial
number of the blade enclosure ...... 184
Configuring the blade enclosure
name ................................................. 185
Configuring the ID LED of the
blade enclosure ................................ 185
Configuring the power control
policy ................................................ 186
Configuring the power redundancy mo
de ...................................................... 186
Configuring a time zone ................. 187
Displaying all information about
configuration of the blade
enclosure. ......................................... 187
Displaying the configuration of the CLI
auto termination function ............... 188
Displaying the configuration
information in the CLI command
format ............................................... 188
Displaying date and time ................ 190
Displaying the configuration of the fun
ction to display events .................... 190
Displaying the fan information ........ 190
Displaying the blade enclosure
information ........................................ 193
Displaying the power unit
information ........................................ 194
Displaying the blade enclosure
status ................................................ 196
Displays the blade enclosure
temperature ...................................... 197
Displaying the settings on the
power management function ........... 197
Displaying the EM card /EM
firmware version ............................... 198
Updating EM firmware ..................... 198
Uploading (backing up) the
configuration information .................. 199
Configuring the power saving
mode ................................................. 200
Configuring the maximum
consumable power setting .............. 200
CPU blade management commands.......... 202
Power off CPU blades .................... 202
Power on CPU blades .................... 202
Resetting CPU blades ..................... 203
Controlling the CPU blade ID LED 203
Displaying CPU blade
information ........................................ 203
Listing the CPU blade information in a
list ................................................... 206
Displaying the CPU blade port
map information