Electronics America Portable Media Storage User Manual

Chapter 1 Installation Procedure
Separate Normal End 2001/02/21 11:08:21
MV:10 dev001 WN
RV:- dev002 WN
Note that, if the RV access restriction has been set to Read Only (ro) when executing Separate,
attempting a write operation to that drive with the volume mounted causes a write error.
In such a case, change the RV access restriction to Read/Write (rw) from the Replication Management
Step 12. Using MV
Mount MV to associate MV and file system.
iSMrc_mount -drv G:
Then, the following message appears and the mounted MV is available as a file system.
Mount Start 2001/02/21 11:08:22
disk10 dev001 WN
Mount Normal End 2001/02/21 11:08:22
disk10 dev001 WN
Step 13. Recognizing disk on RV side
Start [Disk Management] (Windows) from the host on the RV side and assign a drive name to the disk.
In this example, assume that the RV drive letter has been assigned to H:.
Step 14. Creating Volume List
Since a new drive name has been assigned to RV, creation of Volume List is required using iSMvollist
command of the ReplicationControl.
Enter the following command to create a Volume List.
iSMvollist –cr