Electronics America Portable Media Storage User Manual

Chapter 2 Operation and Maintenance
Step 10. Restarting applications (business server)
Restart the applications closed in Step 5.
If services were halted in step 5, restart the services by the following procedures. If services were not
halted in step 5, executing of the following is not required.
(Example) Starting service
NET START (service name)
To start the service “ESMCommonService”, specify as shown below.
NET START ESMCommonService
If sharing of a folder was cancelled in step 5, specify sharing again. If sharing was not cancelled in
step 5, executing of the following is not required.
(Example) Sharing of a folder
NET SHARE share_name=drive_letter: path
To enable the sharing of the folder mv_folder1, specify as shown below.
NET SHARE mv_folder1=G:\mv_folder1
Step 11. Mounting RV (backup server)
To associate RV and the file system, mount RV.
When the RV is mounted with the mount point (drive letter or NTFS folder name) and target mount
point volume name specified, the mount point (drive letter or NTFS folder name) is automatically set
again. On Windows 2000, the RV is released from the Not Ready state.
iSMrc_mount –drv H: -mvol \\?\Volume{37d84cca-2507-11d5-a0f7-00004c714491}\
Then, the following message is displayed. RV is mounted and can be used as a file system.
Mount Start 2001/02/21 12:26:14
disk11 dev002 WN
iSMrc_mount: Info: iSM13220: Setting drive letter (H:)
(\\?\Volume{37d84cca-2507-11d5-a0f7-00004c714491}\) has succeeded.
Mount Normal End 2001/02/21 12:26:14
disk11 dev002 WN
Use RV for backup on applications.