Electronics America Portable Media Storage User Manual

Chapter 2 Operation and Maintenance
Step 5. Executing CHKDSK (backup server)
In step 2, separation was executed without specifying a static point. Execute CHKDSK /F to remove
inconsistency in file system.
Step 6. Terminating applications (backup server)
To maintain data consistency, terminate or halt applications and specified services.
(Example) Terminating service
NET STOP (service name)
To stop the service “ESMCommonService”, specify as shown below.
NET STOP ESMCommonService
Step 7. Flushing RV file system (backup server)
Flush RV file system and write the unwritten data in file system buffer onto disk.
iSMrc_flush –drv H:
The operation displays the following message and flushes the data.
Flush Start 2001/02/21 11:21:13
disk11 dev002 WN
Flush Normal End 2001/02/21 11:21:13
disk11 dev002 WN
Step 8. Unmounting RV (backup server)
Unmount RV and cancel association between volume and file system.
When the RV is unmounted, the mount point (drive letter or NTFS folder name) set for the volume is
automatically deleted. On Windows 2000, the RV access restriction is changed to Not Ready.
* Set NOTREADY for the UMOUNT_RVACC parameter in the replication operation option setting
file to suppress automatic RV mounting before operation.
When executing unmounting, all application software, that may access the drive, must be terminated in
Refer to descriptions about unmounting Chapter 3 “Notes” also.
iSMrc_umount –drv H: