Electronics America Portable Media Storage User Manual

Chapter 2 Operation and Maintenance
Then, the following message appears and RV is unmounted.
Umount Start 2001/02/21 11:21:14
disk11 dev002 WN
iSMrc_umount: Info: iSM13221: Resetting drive letter (H:)
(\\?\Volume{37d84cca-2507-11d5-a0f7-00004c714491}\) has succeeded.
Umount Normal End 2001/02/21 11:21:14
disk11 dev002 WN
Step 9. Executing Replicate (business server)
Execute replicate for the pair that needs replication.
In this example, it is assumed that the replication operation file is used and replication is executed
according to the following settings:
Copy area: Differences (default value)
Reflecting update on MV: Synchronization mode (default value)
Access restriction on RV: nr (Not Ready) (default value)
Completion wait not specified (default value)
iSMrc_replicate -file disks.txt
Then, the following message appears and the data copy from MV to RV is started:
Replicate Start 2001/02/21 12:21:15
MV:10 dev001 WN
RV:- dev002 WN
Execute usual backup procedures after the processes above.