Installation and Setup Guide

1. Prepare a Phillips screwdriver (magnetic) and the included hexagonal wrench.
2. Removetheprojectorscablecover.Forinstructions,seetherespectiveoperatinginstructions.
1. Remove the slide arm.
The wall adapter and slide arm are assembled upon shipment.
(1) Remove the two fixing screws (B) and the two safety lock screws.
- Use the included hexagonal wrench for the safety lock screws.
(2) Pull off the slide arm.
Fixing screws (B)
Safety lock screws
Slide arm
Before installing
Consider the place where the screen is to be installed and determine the position in
which the wall mount unit is to be mounted. (See page ENG-7)
- It is not possible to install in such a way that the image is projected at an angle. Position
in such a way that the image is projected directly to the front.
2. Check that the position of installation meets the conditions in Be sure to
read before installing” on page ENG-2 of these instructions.
- Because the elevation angle of the projector’s optical axisis large, small shifts in the
projection distance will change the size and position of the projected image significantly.
Also, if the direction in which the projector is facing is off, the distortion of the image in-
Installing the Projector