User's Manual

Chapter 2 Message List
iSM01408: Rejected: System function error
(<aaa...a>) <bbb...b>
[Explanation] It indicates that an error occurred in a system function indicated by “aaa...”.
aaa...a : System function name
bbb...b : Error description
errno= zzzz : Error number
socket close : Socket with iSM closed
timeout : Time-out occurred in socket communication
with the iSM.
[Measures] Check error description and retry command execution.
If this message is output on a HP-UX system, the following reason is assumed:
iSM01408: Rejected: System function error (execl) errno=13
When the iSM server is operated by the administrator for iSM, the setting of the
administrator for iSM may not be deleted before uninstallation of the iSM server.
In this case, register the administrator for iSM again (delete and set) using the
iSM setting command (iSMmkadm). For details on the administrator for iSM
setting command, refer to the “User's Manual (UNIX)”.
iSM01409: Rejected: msgdrv is not available
[Explanation] It indicates that the event link function is not available.
This message is output on UNIX system.
[Measures] Restarting the iSM is required to use the event link function.
iSM01410: This request is accepted
[Explanation] It indicates that a device monitoring stop/restart command request has been
received. For actual stop/restart operations, refer to syslog.
This message is output on UNIX system.
[Measures] Unnecessary