Install Guide

SENSIT Interface Software
System overstay settings
With this option the global overstay function can be enabled. The settable Allowed
parking time is the overstay time for all SENSIT sensors defined at the SENSIT
Interface Server. This setting determines how long a parking bay should be occupied
before an overstay situation occurs.
Overstay verification settings
When enabled, the SENSIT Interface Server will ask the SENSIT sensor if all state
events are received in case of an overstay. The last state event message is
transmitted again to the SENSIT Server to verify the overstay.
The Max number of retries (max value is 5) can be set. If an overstay verification fail
it retry to receive the last state event message. If the final overstay verify attempts
fail an unverified overstay event is generated.
To ensure reliable operation of the system the SENSIT sensors should be calibrated
before commissioning. Calibration values can be set for the magnetic detection in
each axis (x, y and z). Default calibration values are 50 mGauss in each axis. The
default value for the IR sensitivity is 9, the maximum. The IR sensitivity is only
lowered in case of a ceiling or other coverage of the SENSIT sensors.
Figure 70: SENSIT sensor calibration
SENSIT nodes can be calibrated individually. This by entering the Node ID of the
specific sensor you want to calibrate into the field 'Calibrate node number'.
Alternatively you can calibrate all nodes or the nodes from a specific parking lot.
When you click 'Calibrate all nodes' all SENSIT sensors in the network will
automatically be calibrated.
Click the 'Calibrate' button to start the calibration. In the menu an update message
will start to keep you update on progress.
Incorrect occupied spaces can be indicated if a vehicle parked in the neighboring
parking space activates the magnetic sensor. If the percentage of incorrect occupied
(so actually free) is too high over the parking lot, the magnetic values can be
adjusted by selecting a higher value e.g. 60 mGauss. If the percentage of incorrect
free (actually occupied) spaces is too high the sensitivity of the magnetic threshold
can be reduced to lower value e.g. 40 mGauss.
The SENSIT nodes can only
be calibrated when the
specific bay and
neighboring bays are not
occupied by vehicle. When
all SENSIT nodes need to be
calibrated the parking lot
must be completely empty.
Individual sensor can also
easily been calibrated via
the Maps.