User Manual

Poultry and meat 131
Wild boar joint with elderberry sauce and caramelised apples
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MCRC00902464_BO_Wildschweinbraten_m_Holundersauce_u_Aepfel-011_F39MCRC00918165_SE_Wildschweinbraten_m_Holundersauce_u_Aepfel-012MCRC00900780_NF_Wildschweinbraten_m_Holundersauce_u_Aepfel-018_RZ0MeatGamePreparation methodsBraisingRecipe categoriesMeat
For 6 servings
Large roaster with lid
1.5 kg wild boar joint from the leg, boneless
Pepper, freshly ground
30 g clarified butter
1 medium onion
2 small carrots
1 small piece celeriac
½ leek
2 small garlic cloves
1 sour apple, e.g. Braeburn or Topaz
5 sprigs thyme
½ organic orange
1 tbsp tomato purée
60 g butter
20 g sugar
250 ml tart red wine
A few juniper berries
250 ml game stock
60 g elderberry jam
2 sour apples, e.g. Braeburn or Topaz
40 g butter
20 g sugar
Per serving
728 kcal, 28 g carbs, 43 g fat, 52 g protein,
2,3 BU
1. Rinse the meat briefly in cold water and pat dry with kitchen towel. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Trim and peel the root vegetables. Cut the leek in half lengthwise and wash thoroughly. Peel the
garlic cloves. Cut the vegetables into pieces 1-2 cm in size. Wash the apple, core it, cut it into quarters
and then cut it into wedges.
3. Heat the clarified butter in the roaster and sear the meat well all over.
4. Remove the meat from the roaster and place it to one side.
5. Briefly brown the vegetables and garlic cloves in the frying fat. Add the thyme sprigs, the zest of
half of the orange and the apple wedges. Add the tomato purée and fry.
6. Add 30 g butter to the roaster, then add the sugar and leave to caramelise. Deglaze with approx.
100 ml red wine. Press the juniper berries and add them to the mixture. Let the juices reduce and top
up with the game stock.
7. Place the meat into the roaster once again and baste with 30 g butter. Cover over with the lid and
roast the meat as indicated. Turn after 1 hour and 20 minutes, and pour the meat juices over several
times after this point.
8. After the end of the cooking time, remove the meat from the roaster and keep it warm. Pass the
sauce through a fine sieve and strain the vegetables. Pour over the remaining red wine, bring to the
boil and season with salt and pepper. Thicken the sauce as desired. Stir in the elderberry jam and
season the sauce to taste once again.
9. Prepare the apple for caramelisation by washing and coring it, cutting it into quarters and then
into wedges. Melt the butter in the frying pan and fry the apple briefly. Scatter the sugar over the top
and leave to caramelise.
Setting procedure:
Top/bottom heating
190 °C
Roasting time:
2 hr. 40 min. - 2 hr. 50 min.
You can bind the sauce by mixing together 1 tbsp
cornflour with a little cold water, mixing it quickly
into the hot sauce with a whisk and then letting
the sauce come to the boil again.