User Manual

Cakes and small baked items, desserts and sweet dishes: 159
Vanilla cheesecake
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MCRC00837949_BO_Quarktorte_mit_Vanille-027_F39MCRC00838020_SE_Quarktorte_mit_Vanille-022MCRC00903324_NF_Quarktorte_mit_Vanille-020_RZ1Sweet bakingGateauxPreparation methodsBakingRecipe categoriesBaking
To make approx. 12 servings
Springform cake tin, diameter 26 cm
200 g flour
1 pinch salt
75 g sugar
1 tsp baking powder
75 g butter
1 vanilla pod
1 egg
1 organic lemon
1 vanilla pod
3 eggs
100 g sugar
500 g sour cream
250 g quark
½ sachet custard powder
100 ml cream
Butter for greasing
Per serving
324 kcal, 31 g carbs, 19 g fat, 8 g protein, 2,6 BU
1. Only grease the base of the springform cake tin.
2. For the shortcrust pastry, mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Cut the cold butter into small
chunks and distribute on top. Using the dough hook of a hand mixer or food processor, knead slowly
until a fine, crumbly mixture is produced.
3. Slice the vanilla pod open lengthways and scrape out the vanilla pulp. Beat the egg with a fork,
add to the crumble mixture with the vanilla pulp and quickly beat into a smooth mixture.
4. Line the base of the tin with two thirds of the pastry. Shape the rest into a roll and press around
the edge of the tin, about 2-3 cm deep. Prick the pastry base several times with a fork, and leave the
pastry to chill for approx. 40 minutes.
5. Wash the lemon with hot water, dry it and grate the zest. Slice the vanilla pod open lengthways
and scrape out the vanilla pulp. Mix the lemon zest, vanilla pulp and all other ingredients for the quark
mixture. Add to the tin and bake as indicated.
Setting procedure:
Top/bottom heating
180 °C
Baking time: 60-80 minutes