User Manual

Cakes and small baked items, desserts and sweet dishes: 185
Coriander and orange brioches
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MCRC00904014_BO_Koriander_Orangen_Brioches-005_F39MCRC00918009_SE_Koriander_Orangen_Brioches-007MCRC00903275_NF_Koriander_Orangen_Brioches-016_RZ1Sweet bakingSmall baked itemsPreparation methodsBakingRecipe categoriesBaking
For 12 servings
Muffin tin
1 organic orange
1 tsp coriander seeds
500 g flour
1 sachet dried yeast
1 pinch salt
125 ml milk, lukewarm
90 g sugar
2 eggs, whisked
90 g butter
Butter for greasing
Butter, melted, for brushing
Per serving
315 kcal, 4 g carbs, 15 g fat, 38 g protein, 0,3 BU
1. Wash the orange in hot water, dry it, and grate the zest. Roughly crush the coriander seeds in the
2. Mix the flour, yeast and salt in a bowl. Add all the other ingredients and knead into a smooth
dough. Allow the dough to prove in a warm place until the volume has roughly doubled.
3. Grease the muffin tin with butter. Cut off one quarter of the dough. From the large piece of
dough, roll out 12 equally sized balls. From the rest of the dough, make 12 droplet-shaped balls. Place
the larger balls into the muffin tray. Make a small indent in each dough ball and place a small ball in
the well. Brush with melted butter and leave to prove again in a warm place.
4. Then bake as indicated until golden brown.
Setting procedure:
Muffin tin on the wire rack
170 °C
Baking time: 25-30 minutes
When using CircoTherm, you can place the
accessories on any level from 1 to 3.
Measure out all the ingredients in advance to
allow them to warm to room temperature.
You can also leave the dough to prove in the
oven. To do so, set cooking mode 1.