User Manual

Bread and rolls, pizza and savoury cakes 207
Hearty four-grain bread
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MCRC00904096_BO_Vollwertiges_Vierkornbrot-011_F39MCRC00918161_SE_Vollwertiges_Vierkornbrot-013MCRC00900778_NF_Vollwertiges_Vierkornbrot-013_RZ0Savoury bakingBreadPreparation methodsBakingRecipe categoriesBaking
For 1 tin loaf, approx. 25 slices
Universal pan
200 g wholegrain rye flour
500 g wholemeal wheat flour
2 sachets dried yeast
1 tbsp honey
Approx. 250 ml water, lukewarm
Approx. 250 ml buttermilk, lukewarm
2-3 tbsp linseeds
2-3 tbsp sesame seeds
2-3 tbsp sunflower seeds shelled
1-2 tbsp pumpkin seeds shelled
½-1 tbsp salt
1-2 tbsp bread spice
Cooking oil for the baking tray
Flour for dusting
Per slice
113 kcal, 19 g carbs, 2 g fat, 5 g protein, 1,6 BU
1. Mix the two types of flour with the yeast in a large mixing bowl. Add all the other ingredients and
knead the dough well. Leave the dough to prove in a warm place until the volume has doubled.
2. Grease the universal pan in the size of the bread loaf and dust with flour. Place the loaf into the
universal pan and leave to prove for another 15-20 minutes whilst covered.
3. Using a sharp knife, score diamond shapes into the risen loaf and prick all over with a cocktail
stick. Sprinkle with water and bake as indicated.
Setting procedure:
220 °C
Added steam, high
Baking time: 8 minutes
180 °C
without added steam
Baking time: 35-45 minutes
If you are using wholemeal flour, you will need to
add a little extra liquid and leave the dough to
prove for slightly longer.
You can also leave the dough to prove in the
oven. To do so, set cooking mode 1.
Toast the seeds and nuts in a frying pan without
oil in advance.