User Manual

Bread and rolls, pizza and savoury cakes 209
Crusty polenta bread with espresso butter
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MCRC00902263_BO_Polenta_Krustenbrot_m_Espressobutter-017_F39MCRC00918066_SE_Polenta_Krustenbrot_m_Espressobutter-009MCRC00900714_NF_Polenta_Krustenbrot_m_Espressobutter-008_RZ0Savoury bakingBreadPreparation methodsBakingRecipe categoriesBaking
For 1 loaf, approx. 20 slices
Universal pan
310 g wheat flour, type 550
70 g rye flour, type 1150
70 g polenta
2½ tsp dried sourdough extract, approx. 10 g
1 tsp dried yeast
1 tsp sugar
Approx. 270 ml water
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice
Approx. 1½ tsp salt
100 g butter, soft
3 tbsp espresso, strong, cold
A few drops Worcester sauce
A few drops Tabasco
1 pinch ground cardamom
1 pinch nutmeg, freshly ground
1 pinch cinnamon
Pepper, freshly ground
Herb-flavoured salt
Greaseproof paper
Per slice
115 kcal, 15 g carbs, 15 g fat, 2 g protein, 1,3 BU
1. For the dough, add all the ingredients to a mixing bowl and knead into a smooth, soft dough.
Shape into a rectangle of 20x30 cm, place into a tin which has been greased with oil and cover with
cling film. Leave the dough to rest in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then allow it to prove in a warm
place until the volume has doubled.
2. Turn the dough out onto a work surface which is covered in flour, dust the surface with flour, and
roll the dough over three times around its longitudinal axis. Place onto a baking tray which has been
lined with greaseproof paper and bake as indicated. Leave the baked bread to cool down.
3. For the espresso butter, stir the butter until light and fluffy. Mix in all the other ingredients and
season with pepper and herb-flavoured salt.
Setting procedure:
Bread baking setting
220 °C
Added steam, high
Baking time: 20-25 minutes
You can also leave the dough to prove in the
oven. To do so, set cooking mode 1.
If twisted slightly, the crust will break open
wonderfully when baked.