User Manual

Side dishes and vegetables, vegetarian dishes and bakes 33
Pumpkin and chilli vegetables with apples
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MCRC00902067_BO_Kuerbisgemuese_vom_Blech-009_F39MCRC00918014_SE_Kuerbisgemuese_vom_Blech-012MCRC00900586_NF_Kuerbisgemuese_vom_Blech-006_RZ0VegetablesVegetarian recipesPreparation methodsBakingRecipe categoriesVegetarian recipesSide dishes, Bakes
For 4 servings
Universal pan
1 kg Muscat pumpkin
50 g butter
Chilli salt
Mixed pepper, freshly ground
2 garlic cloves
3 medium-sized sour apples
Approx. 180 g celery
150 ml water
Per serving
234 kcal, 29 g carbs, 11 g fat, 4 g protein, 2,4 BU
1. Peel the pumpkin and remove the core with the seeds. Cut into wedges approx. 4 cm wide.
2. Melt the butter, brush the universal pan with a thin layer of it, and sprinkle with chilli salt and
mixed pepper.
3. Peel and quarter the garlic cloves and distribute in the universal pan. Arrange the pumpkin
wedges on top.
4. Wash the apples, core them and cut them into quarters. Lay the apple wedges between or in the
pumpkin wedges.
5. Wash the celery, cut it into cubes approx. 1 cm in size and scatter over the pumpkin and apple
wedges. Season with chilli salt and mixed pepper once again and brush with the remaining butter.
Add the water and cook the pumpkin as indicated.
Setting procedure:
Top/bottom heating
180 °C
Added steam, medium
Cooking time: 30-35 minutes