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Side dishes and vegetables, vegetarian dishes and bakes 45
Courgette gratin with black olives
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MCRC00904100_BO_Zucchinigratin_mit_Oliven-022_F39MCRC00918170_SE_Zucchinigratin_mit_Oliven-021MCRC00896915_NF_Zucchinigratin_mit_Oliven-019_RZ0BakesGratinsVegetablesCourgettesVegetarian recipesPreparation methodsBakingRecipe categoriesSide dishes, BakesVegetarian recipes
For 2 servings
Medium ovenproof dish
250 g pasta, penne or rigatoni
30 g pine nuts
40 g shallots
40 g spring onions
500 g small courgettes
250 g cherry tomatoes
30 g pitted black olives
5 tbsp olive oil
2 small garlic cloves
1 sprig rosemary
1 sprig thyme
Sea salt
Black pepper, freshly ground
A little sugar
50 g Parmesan
Olive oil for the dish
Per serving
1037 kcal, 83 g carbs, 58 g fat, 50 g protein,
6,9 BU
1. Bring plenty of salted water to the boil and cook the pasta until almost 'al dente'. Pour into a sieve
and catch 200 ml of the water used to cook the pasta. Rinse the pasta with cold water. Place the
pasta and the water used to cook it to one side.
2. Toast the pine nuts in a frying pan without oil, remove and also place to one side.
3. Peel and finely dice the shallots. Wash the spring onions and cut into fine rings. Wash, trim and
halve the courgettes lengthwise. Cut into thin slices lengthwise using a potato peeler. Wash the
cherry tomatoes and cut them into quarters. Chop the olives finely.
4. Heat the olive oil in the frying pan. Add the garlic cloves and herbs to it and sweat them. Remove
the garlic cloves and herbs once more.
5. Add the courgette slices, shallots and spring onions to the frying pan and sweat them briefly.
Season with salt, pepper and sugar.
6. Add the drained pasta, olives, quartered tomatoes, pine nuts and water used to cook the pasta,
stir together and season well to taste.
7. Grease the base of the ovenproof dish and fill with the pasta mixture. Scatter the grated
Parmesan over it and bake the gratin as indicated.
Setting procedure:
190 °C
Added steam, medium
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes