User Manual

Poultry and meat 95
Grilled goose with bread roll filling
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MCRC00903973_BO_Gegrillte_Ganns_m_Semmelfuellung-008_F39MCRC00915517_SE_Gegrillte_Ganns_m_Semmelfuellung-011MCRC00900667_NF_Gegrillte_Ganns_m_Semmelfuellung-006_RZ0PoultryGoosePreparation methodsGrillingRecipe categoriesPoultry
For 6 servings
Universal pan with wire rack
1 young goose, approx. 3 kg, fresh or defrosted
Pepper, freshly ground
3 stale bread rolls
100 ml milk
3 eggs
Goose liver
Goose heart
1 onion
1 bunch flat-leaf parsley, freshly chopped
30 g butter
Nutmeg, freshly grated
Cocktail sticks
Butter or salt water for brushing
Per serving
757 kcal, 13 g carbs, 52 g fat, 60 g protein,
1,1 BU
1. Remove the goose, discard the fat and cut out the rump gland. Rinse the goose under cold water
and pat dry with kitchen towel. Season with salt and pepper and rub inside with mugwort.
2. Slice the bread rolls thinly and pour the hot milk over them. Mix together the eggs and bread rolls.
Chop the giblets. Chop the onions, fry in butter with the giblets and the parsley, season to taste. Mix
with the bread roll mixture. Fill the goose with it and seal the cavity with cocktail sticks.
3. Place the goose onto the wire rack with the breast side down and roast as indicated. Turn the
goose after approx. 2 hours.
4. To make the skin crispier, brush the goose with butter or salted water approx. 10 minutes before
the end of the roasting time.
Setting procedure:
150 °C
Added steam, low
Roasting time: 2 hr. 30 min.
180 °C
Roasting time: 30-40 minutes
You can seal the bird using the 'shoelace method'.
Pierce the opening with cocktail sticks and wrap
string around these in a criss-cross pattern.
You can grill the goose in exactly the same way
even if you have not stuffed it. In this case, the
cooking time will be reduced by approx. 15