
Table Of Contents
400 g fillet of pork
Pepper, freshly ground
8 rashers bacon
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Per serving:
257 kcal, 0 g carbs, 18 g fat,
24 g protein
1. Rinse the fillet of pork under cold water and pat dry
with kitchen towel. Cut into eight pieces of equal size and
season very lightly with salt and pepper.
2. Wrap the bacon rashers round them.
3. Heat the frying pan as indicated. After the signal, add
the cooking oil and meat to the frying pan and fry on
both sides until golden brown.
Frying SensorFrying settingSetting 3Cooking.Hob.EnumType.FryingSensorLevel.Level03DurationAfter the signal, fry for 15-20 minutes0
Setting procedure:
With the frying sensor, “low”
After the signal, fry for 15-20 minutes