Owner manual

If you have additional questions, please contact
NEMO Equipment, Inc. directly at 800-997-9301
Never place your stove, campfire, or other flame source in or near
your tent. Never cook, light, or refuel a stove or any other heat source
inside your tent. Death by suffocation and/or serious burns is
Maintain adequate ventilation inside your tent at all times. Death by
suffocation is possible.
Carefully consider the possibility of falling rocks or tree limbs,
lightning strikes, flash floods, avalanches, strong winds, and other
hazards when choosing a campsite to reduce the risk of loss or injury.
Anchor your tent properly at all times to reduce the risk of loss or
injury to the tent or occupants.
NOTE: All 2009 NEMO tents meet the CPAI-84 standard
for flame retardancy.
NEMO Green
NEMO Green
Our spirit is in adventure. Without the beautiful wild places
where adventures are made, our spirit dies. Please join us in
protecting the planet and preserving the places where our
spirit thrives.
NEMO is a small company but even small companies and
individuals can make a difference. Here are some of the green
efforts we are currently making:
>We are incorporating sustainability into our product designs
with innovations like our 90% recycled/recyclable Nano OZ™
tent, bamboo tent poles and our Ditto™ reusable tote bag
made from old tent samples.
>As of 2008, all of our aluminum poles from DAC use a more
environmentally friendly anodization process that avoids the
use of toxic heavy metals. These poles are also recyclable.
>In 2006 we stopped using PVC in all of our products.
>All of our business partners domestically and overseas run
responsible businesses with good working conditions and
respect for the environment.
>NEMO employees get one day off every month to pursue a
green effort or volunteer with a community organization.
>In 2008, NEMO adopted the northern end of Jenness Beach in
North Hampton, NH (a favorite surf spot of many NEMO
employees) through the Blue Ocean Society. The adoption
enables NEMO to keep the beach clean throughout the year
and also track the types of debris to determine whether the
trash is ocean-based or land-based.
>NEMO donates to many groups such as the Access Fund and
the National Wildlife Federation to help preserve the natural
places we cherish. We have also donated tents to help with
disaster relief, including donating over 150 winter
mountaineering tents to Pakistan in 2005 following the
earthquake in Kashmir.
>NEMO provides discounts and donates tents to college
outing clubs to encourage students to get outdoors and foster
a love for the environment.
>We recycle everything possible in our shop, including
re-using packaging materials and we encourage our
manufacturing partners to do the same.
>We do as much of our printing as possible on recycled paper
with environmentally-friendly inks.