User Manual

NeoPoint 1600 User’s Guide xiii
Daily Applications of Your NeoPoint 1600
Congratulations! Your new NeoPoint 1600 is going to change the way you
communicate. NeoPoint: a smart, simple solution to your active life style.
NeoPoint 1600 is a compact, lightweight personal communications system with
added features for the person on the go. More than just a mobile phone, the NeoPoint
1600 phone allows you to:
Access your e-mail, voicemail, and text messages
Experience greater coverage as this dual-mode phone supports both analog and
digital modes
Track your outgoing and incoming calls for future reference or call back
Schedule and organize names and numbers (referred to as contacts)
Track appointments and meetings (keep your schedule everywhere you go)
Go on-line through the MiniBrowser (depending on your carrier service - surf the
web, get e-mails, stock quotes, etc.)
Transfer contacts, schedule, and to do data between your PC and NeoPoint 1600
Transfer files from your laptop PC to your NeoPoint 1600 and onto your PC
These are just a few of the many features available with your NeoPoint 1600 mobile
phone - all without a bulky appointment book or a personal digital assistant.
NeoPoint - your new point of communication.