User Manual

Chapter 2: NeoPoint Menu Applications
NeoPoint 1600 User’s Guide 27
Call History
Call History allows you to view all types of calls at the
touch of a finger. When selected, it displays the last 30
numbers called with a maximum of five calls per number.
These calls are divided into four types of calls:
The type of call is indicated by the letter in front of the
call, e.g., i for incoming, o for outgoing, d for data, and m
for missed.
As you scroll through the list of calls, the number for each call and name of contact
(provided the call was initiated or received from a known contact) is displayed. If the
call was not initiated or received from a known contact, only the telephone number is
displayed. Once you exceed the 30-number storage limit, the oldest call history
record is overwritten.
Pressing Options (Soft Key 2) displays the Options pop-up menu. This menu
includes the following options:
Detail Displays call information, i.e., phone number, date, time, call type:
i,o, d, m, and elapsed time.
Save number Transfers phone number to Contacts. Requests you select number
type: home, work, mobile, other, and then goes to Contacts where you
can enter more information.
Delete Deletes record of the selected number
Delete all Deletes all numbers in Call History
Refer to “Using Call History” on page 57 for information on how to save, delete, or
view detailed call information.