
Activate the application and set the Bluetooth on of your cellphone.
4. 비콘 작동시키 원을 다가 니다.
Power off and power on again to activate the Beacon function.
5. “neopop band v2.1”App 실행합니.
Activate neopop band v.2.1” application.
6. App 에서 Connect() 루투 결합니다.
Push “connection” button once you complete the inputs as requested.
7. 어플 다시 원을 껐다 세요.
(배터 용을 자동 sleep 드로 환됩니다)
If you wish to change information, power off and on again.
(It will automatically go to sleep mode for efficient battery use)
SMART Pet Band 2.0 ( )
How to use cellphone application for SMART Pet Band 2.0 (Patter Setting and Text input)
1. 4 가지 패턴 (Sound wave, Heart1, Heart2, Heart3, Heart4) 택일하여 LED 화면에
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