User Manual

Table Of Contents
G-6 N_SIGHT R900 User’s Manual for the Neptune Handheld System
route message A free-form statement sent from N_SIGHT R900 operators to the handheld
computers of meter readers assigned to a specific route. A route message can
contain as many as 80 characters. Compare with broadcast message and
survey message.
router One of the most commonly used devices to connect several handheld at a
time. The router device allows you to connect as many communication cradles
to the
HOST COMPUTER. Because the router provides communication connec-
tions for the cradles, whenever a handheld is placed in a communication cra-
dle, it is ready to exchange data with the HOST COMPUTER.
screens The graphic portion of a display. N_SIGHT R900 uses three different types of
screens t
o present the information shown in the display: a
select To choose an item by using the arrow keys or by using a
R900 indicates that an item is selected by highlighting the item. See also
sequence number A number assigned to each meter indicating the location of the meter in rela-
tion to other meters in the route. For example, a sequence number of 000003
indicates that the meter is the third meter of a route. The meter reader may
change the sequence number on the handheld computer, indicating a pre-
ferred placement of that meter within the route.
sign off The act of exiting the meter reading portion of the handheld APPLICATION PRO-
GRAM. By exiting the meter reading portion, you can access the communica-
tion function and send information to or receive information from the
sign on The act of accessing the meter reading portion of the handheld so that you
can obtain route assign
ments or collect readings.
skip code An arrangement of up to four numbers, letters, or both numbers and letters
that explain why a reading wa
s skipped. For example, a code of “s1” might be
used to indicate that a reading was skipped because the glass of the meter
was fogged and the meter reader could not see the usage display. See also
code tables
skip route A route made up entirely of meters for which readings were attempted but
could not be obtaine
d. For example, the glass on the meter may have been
fogged and the meter reader could not see the usage display. Compare with
blank route.
Pilot Release