User Manual

Table Of Contents
Using the CE5320 Handheld
3-12 N_SIGHT R900 User’s Manual for the Neptune Handheld System
Figure 3.10 Learning the Keyboard
Function Keys or Hot Keys—allow you to perform special tasks
ection Keys—allow you to
move up or down a list of items and
to move forward or backward in a data-entry space or through the
meters of a route.
Number Keys
allow you
to enter a number in the display or to
select an item from a list of items shown.
Quick Key
s—allow you t
o execute a task quickly by pressing
certain keys at once or in a particular order.
Letter/Character Keys—al
low you to ente
r a letter or character in
a screen or to select an item from a list of items shown.
Information K
eys—allow you to enter, change, or
information about a meter or a route.
Function keys
Direction keys
Number keys
Quick keys
Letter/character keys
Information keys
Pilot Release