User Manual

Using the R900BCT
The following section explains how to use the R900BCT.
Understanding the R900BCT Modes
The following tables describe the R900BCT modes of operation. You change modes on the
R900BCT with a combination of the Mode and Enter buttons. To cycle through available
modes, you press the Mode button. The Mode indicator will flash with the color for the
mode to enter. To enter the Mode, you press the Enter button within two seconds of
pressing the Mode button. If entered, the Mode indicator displays the newly-entered mode.
If you do not press Enter within two seconds, the R900BCT stays in the previous mode.
This combination of Mode and the Enter button is done to prevent accidental mode changes
during operation,
Function Explanation
Power ON
Press for two seconds.The backlight turns orange when
the power is applied.
The unit takes approximately one minute to fully boot. The
Mode and RF lights are white during most of boot-up. The unit is
fully booted when the Mode and Enter light turn off and the
Mode LED displays the previous mode of operation
Power OFF
Press for two seconds. The mode and RF lights blink until
Setting Date/Time
The R900BCT synchronizes the time with the Nomad when the
two are paired. The time on the R900BCT defaults to the time
from the last Nomad synchronization.
Table 1 – R900BCT Power
4 R900 Belt Clip Transceiver User's Manual
Setting Up the R900BeltClipTransceiver