User manual

Image effects
5.3.1 Settings in the Aging Area
A picture can be artificially aged in the Aging area.
The following sliders are available in the Aging area:
Defines the degree of aging. As a picture ages, it becomes increas-
ingly sepia toned.
Defines how faded the colors should be.
Adds noise to the picture, i.e. randomly distributed artefact pixels.
Adds sepia scratches to the picture.
Adds vertical lines to the picture.
See also:
Further Graphic Effects 22
5.3.2 Median Settings Area
In the media area the picture can be alienated with the help of median effects. This effect re-
places an individual pixel with another pixel that possesses the median value of a neighbor-
ing pixel within a certain environment.
For instance, with a high median value you can alienate a photo to such an ex-
tent that it looks like a painting.
The following slider is available:
Filter intensity
Determines the amount of the median intensity.
See also:
Further Graphic Effects 22
5.3.3 Canvas Settings Area
In the Canvas area, you can imitate a surface structure of a picture with the aid of texture.
The following setting options are available:
Drop-down menu
Selects a predefined surface structure.
Determines how visible a surface structure should be seen.
See also:
Further Graphic Effects 22
Nero PhotoSnap 26