User manual

Edit Picture
8.1.2 Lighting with Gradation Curve
With Nero PhotoSnap it is possible to correct the lighting of the picture in that the gradation
curve is corrected.
The gradation curve defines the distribution of the brightness values. On the X
axis are the hue values of the original from light to dark, on the X axis the tone
values after the correction from light to dark. A straight curve with a 45° angle
means that the original values remain unchanged.
The following requirement has to be fulfilled:
The Exposure area is displayed.
To correct the lighting with the aid of the gradation curve, proceed as follows:
1. Click the Gradation curves tab.
The Gradation curves tab is displayed.
2. If you wish to prevent a deformation in certain lightness areas, set the control points by click-
ing on the curve.
A control point is set.
Exposure area, Gradation Curves tab -- drawn gradation curves with control points
3. r downward to lighten or darken the hue values of this area. Pull the curve upward o
4. Click the Apply button.
You have adjusted the exposure. The histogram of the edited picture then shows a
changed profile.
Correcting the Lighting with the aid of the Histogram 31
See also:
Settings in the Lighting Region 15
Nero PhotoSnap 33