Quick Start

Nero PhotoSnap Nero PhotoSnap 21
3.3 Filters
Nero PhotoSnap offers you a great many filters for editing images. They are not
all explained in this QuickStart – only the most important are dealt with here.
Try out for yourself the filters that are not described here – it is not dangerous,
because the changes will only be saved if and when you want them to be.
A detailed explanation of these filters would be well beyond the scope of this
QuickStart manual, and so it has been left out.
It is also possible to apply a number of filters on one image, one after the other!
3.3.1 Preset filters
If you use filters particularly often, you can also create a template (a preset) and
use it later. You can load the preset at any time to call up the saved filter action. Creating a preset filter
1. Start Nero PhotoSnap and open the desired photograph. Then click on the
filter you would like to use.
2. In the 'Presets' area, click in the text box and assign a name to the filter
3. Perform the desired action(s) and click on the 'Save' button once you are
satisfied with the result. Loading preset filters
1. Start Nero PhotoSnap and open the desired photograph. Then click on the
filter you would like to use.
2. In the 'Presets' area, click on the dropdown button and select the desired
preset. The action(s) saved will then be performed automatically.