Quick Start

Nero PhotoSnap Nero PhotoSnap 35
3.3.8 Sharpening
The sharpness of a photograph does not solely depend on the resolution – the
contrast of an image also plays a role in creating the impression of sharpness.
When sharpening a photograph, the edges are strengthened and the contrast of
the individual elements of the picture is increased.
The most common method of sharpening is called 'Unsharp masking' and it
stems from analog photography. If a pale, indistinct negative of a photograph is
placed over the original, it results in a picture that is sharper than the original.
This term is still in use to this day.
Sharpen the photograph once you have specified the desired image size,
otherwise the effect could be lost.
1. Start Nero PhotoSnap and open the desired photograph.
You will best be able to see the effect of this filter if you use a zoom factor o
100% (original size). Click on the
2. Click on the 'Sharpen' effect to open the editing menu for this effect.
3. Move the sliders for the individual parameters until the required sharpness has
been achieved.