User manual

Image Effects
Page 25
5.7 Red Eye Removal
Nero PhotoSnap lets you remove red eye. Red eye in photos usually occurs when a person
or animal is photographed with a flash in dark surroundings. The flash or light is reflected by
the retina and appears red in photos. The effect is even greater if the pupil is opened wide.
The following prerequisite must be met:
The Red eye removal area is displayed.
To remove red eye with Nero PhotoSnap proceed as follows:
1. Click the image, hold down the mouse button, and draw a circle or ellipse around the pupil.
Æ The area is marked and the red pupil is colored black.
You can change the size and position of the ellipse by dragging the corner points.
2. Click the Continue button.
Æ The marked area is defined.
3. Repeat the two previous steps for each pupil from which you want to remove red eye.
4. Move the Intensity of red eye reduction regulator.
Æ The black color of the pupils will be increased or reduced, depending on the initial state.
The regulator changes all areas marked in the image.
5. Click the Apply button.
Î You have removed red eyes.