
Survey PRO
Wireless Site Survey Software
AirMagnet Survey PRO enables network professionals to design,
deploy, and validate 802.11 wireless LAN networks for optimal
performance, security, and compliance. It also calculates the ideal
quantity, placement, and configuration of APs for a successful
wireless LAN deployment. This solution goes beyond simply
verifying RF coverage by plotting actual end-user network
performance in terms of connection speed, throughput, and packet
statistics. Survey PRO helps you get Wi-Fi installations right the first
time, preventing costly rework and user complaints.
Plan and design WLAN networks without physically rolling out
any APs
Collect real-world data by performing true end-user experience measurements using any Wi-Fi adapter
Generate heatmaps that provide full visibility of WLAN coverage, interference, throughput, data rates, retries, loss,
Voice-over-Wi-Fi MOS, and more
Save time by performing active, passive, and spectrum surveys in a single walk-through
802.11 Site Surveys
AirMagnet Survey is a wireless network deployment solution that
enables users to measure and assess the true end-user experience
of a wireless network using any 802.11 adapter.
AirMagnet Survey goes beyond just verifying RF coverage
and plots actual end-user network performance, in terms of
throughput and PHY data rates, while taking MIMO and other
environmental situations/network configurations into account.
This wireless site survey solution reveals the coverage of specific
802.11 parameters that impact performance, such as higher
MCS schemes and wider channel, and intrusion of interference
or legacy devices. Results are displayed as a complete Wi-Fi
“weather map” of all critical RF and end-user performance
metrics. The accountability of “real world” measurements allow
IT sta to design and deploy WLAN accurately from the start.
Helping businesses save time and money, reducing end-user
network complaints, and reducing costly redesigns of the
Key Features
802.11 Heat Map
Interferer Power Heat Map

Summary of content (6 pages)