User's Manual

NetComm Wireless 4G M2M Router
Email settings
The Email settings screen allows the configuration of the email account that is used to send emails in features such as Event
To access the Email settings page, click the Services menu item then select the Email settings menu item on the left.
Figure 99 - Email client settings
Enter the email address of the account you will be using to send emails.
(Optional) Enter an email address which will be copied on all messages sent.
Email server address (SMTP)
Enter the SMTP server address of the email server. This may be an IP address or a hostname.
Email server port
Enter the Email server’s SMTP port.
Enter the username of the account to be used for sending emails.
Enter the password of the account to be used for sending emails.
Confirm password
Enter the password of the account to be used for sending emails once more for confirmation.
Email test recipient
Enter an email address to send a test message to, then click the Send test email button.
Table 28 - Email client settings