User's Manual

Reference Manual for the Mobile Broadband Router MBR814
Wireless Configuration 4-11
6. Make sure the Turn Access Control On check box is selected, then click Apply.
Now, only devices on this list will be allowed to wirelessly connect to the MBR814. This prevents
unauthorized access to your network.
Choosing WEP Authentication and Security Encryption Methods
Figure 4-5. Security Encryption section
Restricting wireless access prevents intruders from connecting to your network. However, the
wireless data transmissions are still vulnerable to snooping. Using the WEP data encryption
settings described below will prevent a determined intruder from eavesdropping on your wireless
data communications. Also, if you are using the Internet for such activities as purchases or
banking, those Internet sites use another level of highly secure encryption called SSL. You can tell
if a web site is using SSL because the web address begins with HTTPS rather than HTTP.
Authentication Type Selection
The MBR814 lets you select the following wireless authentication schemes.
Note: If you are configuring the router from a wireless computer whose MAC address is
not in the Trusted Wireless Stations list, and you select Trusted Wireless Stations only,
you will lose your wireless connection when you click Apply. You must then access the
router from a wired computer to make any further changes.