User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Wireless-N 300 Modem Router DGN2200 User Manual
Protecting Your Network 3-10
v1.0, November 2009
Examples of Log Messages
Following are examples of log messages. In all cases, the log entry shows the time stamp as
day, year-month-date hour:minute:second.
Activation and Administration
Tue, 2006-05-21 18:48:39 - NETGEAR activated
[This entry indicates a power-up or reboot with initial time entry.]
Tue, 2006-05-21 18:55:00 - Administrator login successful -
Thu, 2006-05-21 18:56:58 - Administrator logout - IP:
[This entry shows an administrator logging in and out from IP address]
Tue, 2006-05-21 19:00:06 - Login screen timed out - IP:
[This entry shows a time-out of the administrator login.]
Wed, 2006-05-22 22:00:19 - Log emailed
[This entry shows when the log was e-mailed.]
Dropped Packets
Wed, 2006-05-22 07:15:15 - TCP packet dropped -
Source:,4787,WAN - Destination:,21,LAN - [Inbound
Default rule match]
Sun, 2006-05-22 12:50:33 - UDP packet dropped -
Source:,10714,WAN - Destination:,6970,LAN -
[Inbound Default rule match]
Sun, 2006-05-22 21:02:53 - ICMP packet dropped -
Source:,0,WAN - Destination:,0,LAN - [Inbound
Default rule match]
Source IP The IP address of the initiating device for this log entry.
Source port and interface The service port number of the initiating device, and whether it
originated from the LAN or WAN.
Destination The name or IP address of the destination device or website.
Destination port and
The service port number of the destination device, and whether it is on
the LAN or WAN.
Table 3-1. Security Log Entry Descriptions (continued)
Field Description