Data Sheet

COS Queue Cong
Queue Parms congurable per-interface
Drop Parms congurable per-interface
Interface Trafc Shaping (for whole egress interface)
Minimum Bandwidth
Weighted Decit Round Robin (WDRR) Support
Maximum Queue Weight
WRED Support
PTP - PTPv2 Feature Support
PTPv2 All M4300 models, except 48-port 10G models (M4300-24X24F, M4300-48X, M4300-48XF)
IEEE 1588 PTPv2 Section 10 and 11.5 Yes
Transparent Clock (TC) End-to-End implementation considering the residence time of PTPv2 packets from
ingress to egress
Standalone mode, or Stack Master only. On M4300-52G and M4300-52G-PoE+ models, PTPv2 is
supported between port 1 and port 24, and between port 25 and port 48. PTPv1 packets are forwarded
but not processed (no PTPv1 support).
Method Residence time of the PPTPv2 packet at the egress port level
PTPv2 packet elds that are updated
The "Sync & Delay_Req" eld of passing/egressing out PTPv2 packets is updated with the residence time
in the switch
PTPv2 packet elds that are NOT updated
Other elds in PTPv2 packets ("Announce", "Delay_Resp", "Pdelay_Req" and "Pdelay_Resp") are not
Functional Summary - IETF RFC Standards and IEEE Network Protocols
Core Management
RFC 854 — Telnet RFC 3414 — User-Based Security Model
RFC 855 — Telnet option specications RFC 3415 — View-based Access Control Model
RFC 1155 — SMI v1 RFC 3416 — Version 2 of SNMP Protocol Operations
RFC 1157 — SNMP RFC 3417 — Transport Mappings
RFC 1212 — Concise MIB denitions RFC 3418 — Management Information Base (MIB) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
RFC 1867 — HTML/2.0 forms with le upload extensions Congurable Management VLAN
RFC 1901 — Community-based SNMP v2
SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.2
– RFC 2246 — The TLS protocol, version 1.0
RFC 2346 AES cipher suites for Transport layer security
– RFC 2818 — HTTP over TLS SSH 2.0
RFC 1908 — Coexistence between SNMP v1 and SNMP v2
RFC 2068 — HTTP/1.1 protocol as updated by draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-03
RFC 2271 — SNMP framework MIB
RFC 2295 — Transparent content negotiation
– RFC 4253 — SSH transport layer protocol
– RFC 4252 — SSH authentication protocol
– RFC 4254 — SSH connection protocol
– RFC 4251 — SSH protocol architecture
– RFC 4716 — SECSH public key le format
– RFC 4419 — Dife-Hellman group exchange
for the SSH transport layer protocol
RFC 2296 — Remote variant selection; RSVA/1.0 state management cookies — draft-ietf-http-state-mgmt-05
RFC 2576 — Coexistence between SNMP v1, v2, and v3
RFC 2578 — SMI v2
RFC 2579 — Textual conventions for SMI v2
RFC 2580 — Conformance statements for SMI v2
RFC 3410 — Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet Standard Management Framework
RFC 3411 — An Architecture for Describing SNMP Management Frameworks HTML 4.0 specication, December 1997
RFC 3412 — Message Processing & Dispatching
Java Script™ 1.3
RFC 3413 — SNMP Applications
Intelligent Edge Managed Switches
Data Sheet | M4300 series
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