Installation Guide

Reformat Disks
If you are using previously formatted disks that contain data, you must
reformat the disks before you can use them with your ReadyNAS system.
WARNING: This process erases all data and reformats all disks into a
single X-RAID volume. If you want to preserve the data on the disks, you
must back up the data to an external drive before using the disks in your
ReadyNAS storage system.
¾ To reformat previously formatted disks:
1. If your system is powered on, gracefully power o the system.
See Additional Information on page 10.
2. Install the previously formatted disks.
For a list of supported disks, see the Hardware Compatibility List at
For information about installing disks, see the hardware manual for
your system.
3. Using a straightened paper clip, press and hold the Reset button.
4. Press the Power button.
The system powers on.