User Manual

Table Of Contents
To add your ReadyNAS system to ReadyCLOUD:
1. Log in to your ReadyNAS.
2. Select Cloud.
The page updates with the Cloud page.
Set the On-Off slider so the slider shows the On position to enable ReadyCLOUD.
4. When prompted, enter your ReadyCLOUD account credentials.
5. Click the Join button.
Your system is added to ReadyCLOUD.
The ReadyCLOUD account that you used to add your system to ReadyCLOUD is
automatically granted access to your system as the ReadyCLOUD admin.
For information about granting access to ReadyCLOUD users, see Use ReadyCLOUD
to Share Folders Through Email on page 154.
Note: If you decide to remove your system from ReadyCLOUD, any ReadyCLOUD
users and all data in their home folders, that you added will lose access to the system.
For more information about using the ReadyCLOUD web portal, see Access Your System
Using ReadyCLOUD on page 162.
Use ReadyCLOUD to Share Folders Through Email
After you add your system to ReadyCLOUD, you can allow other users to access your
folders. You can share in two ways: through an emailed link, or by granting permission
to an existing ReadyCLOUD user. This procedure uses an emailed link.
Note: When you grant access to a ReadyCLOUD user, that user automatically gains
access to your system from ReadyCLOUD.
Software Manual154Use Cloud Services
ReadyNAS OS 6.10