User Manual

Table Of Contents
Select whether the ReadyNAS displays its real IP address or masks this with another IP
address or DNS name:
Disabled. The real IP address is displayed.
Enabled. The real IP address is masked. Use the Masquerade as field to specify an IP
address or DNS name.
Use Masquerade
Enter a public IP address or DNS name.Masquerade as
Enter the maximum upload rate per session
in KB/s.
Max Upload RateEnable Rate Limit
Enter the maximum download rate per
session in KB/s.
Max Download Rate
Select the check box to allow FTP connections with TLS encryption. Enabling this option
does not require FTP connections to use TLS encryption.
Enable FTPS
Select the check box to require the use of FTPS.Enable Force FTPS
Select this check box to include FTP file transfers in the system log. For more information
about the system log, see System Logs, Auditing, and Active Connections on page 245.
Enable FTP Server
Log Transfer
5. Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Configure NFS
To configure NFS:
1. Log in to your ReadyNAS.
2. Select System > Settings > Services.
3. Click the NFS button.
The NFS Settings window opens.
Software Manual213System Settings
ReadyNAS OS 6.10