User Manual

Table Of Contents
Note that the SSD Trim menu item is gray if the volume is not currently eligible to
execute SSD trim.
5. Click the SSD Trim button.
A window opens.
6. Click the Start button in the pop-up window.
The volume information updates to show the status of the operation, and the
ReadyNAS system issues an alert and a log entry when the operation starts and when
the operation completes.
Export a Volume
You can move a volume with its disks to another ReadyNAS device while the devices
are running, but you must first export the volume. Other volumes on the ReadyNAS
continue operating normally.
To export a volume:
1. Log in to the ReadyNAS.
2. Select System > Volumes.
3. Select the volume.
Software Manual55Volume Configuration
ReadyNAS OS 6.10