Data Protection with NETGEAR Storage

State-of-the-Art Data Protection for Small and Medium Sized Businesses
Today‘s challenges and requirements:
Backup takes too long and negatively impacts production time.
Existing systems do not provide the capacity and performance required to keep pace
with modern data growth.
Many companies are not sufficiently protected against device failure or a catastrophic
event such as fire, flooding or burglary.
Existing solutions do not adequately protect against data corruption or accidental
deletion through human error.
Remote access for administrators or field staff is impossible, inflexible, insecure or slow.
Physical and virtual servers require powerful, yet cost-effective network attached storage.
Employee productivity suffers when slow recovery policies are called into effect.
offers a variety of solutions to basic backup and recovery issues:
is the only SMB vendor using advanced BTRFS and ZFS as the
storage file system.
Only with copy-on-write file systems such as these can customers benefit from
features like local backup with hourly snapshots or block-based replication.
Copy-on-write file systems eliminate the problem of data corruption.
is the only SMB vendor offering an easy-to-use replication solution for
disaster recovery and branch office backup that is centrally initialised and managed
via a web interface.
offers all of this at an SMB-friendly cost.
Traditional NAS for SMB
Simple and affordable, but level
of data protection is weak
Typical Enterprise Storage
Maximum data protection but
too complex and too expensive
for most SMBs
and ReadyDATA
Enterprise-class features that are affordable
and easy to use
First SMB storage system with “true” snapshot capability for the
quick restoration of data from any previous point in time:
Only when these criteria are met, snapshots can be used for
continuous data protection
Customers can automatically create snapshots, up to once an hour
Manual snapshots can be created at any time
Data can be restored from any previous point in time with just a few clicks
Snapshots are pointer/block-based meaning:
There is no performance impact
Required physical capacity is minimised
Snapshots solve the backup window problem
pointer-/block-based snapshots
“Equipped with BTRFS for Snapshots […] this NAS offers a level of data protection that until
now could only be realised with much more expensive servers.“
Source: c‘t 16/2013, S. 134-141, Boi Feddern