User Manual

Enable READ-ONLY Enables Read-Only access via M2M JSON API for monitoring. You may
also fill in the username and password for this mode. When left
empty, the protocol will not require any authentication.
Enable READ-WRITE Enables Read/Write access for monitoring and output control. You
may also fill in the username and password for this mode. When left
empty, the protocol will not require any authentication.
Username Username for the respective access mode (Read-Only/ReadWrite).
Note – this is unrelated to the username for accessing the NETIO 4x
web administration interface.
Password Password corresponding to the username (Read-Only/ReadWrite).
Test JSON API You can use this section to test this M2M API
For an example of reading the state of an output using JSON API, click the Test JSON API link.
For more information about the M2M JSON API, visit the Support > Download section of our website
and see the following document:
JSON - description of NETIO M2M API interface - PDF
For more information and a practical demonstration of using the JSON protocol with NETIO 4x smart
sockets, see the following Application Note:
AN21 JSON HTTP(S) protocol to control NETIO 110/230V power sockets (3x REST API)