User Manual

5.6 Actions (Lua scripts)
Actions are used to create rules that automate NETIO 4x functions. To manage actions, select
Actions in the left menu. To add a new action, click Create Rule. In the top part, choose the
Trigger to start the action, and the Schedule that determines when the trigger is active. To enable
the action, check Enabled.
Figure 27. Setting the rule trigger
The trigger can be set to one of the following events:
System started up
The action is started after the system boots.
DO state changed The action is started whenever the state of an output changes.
Schedule has started or
The action is started whenever a schedule activates an output or
another function.
System variables updated The action is started at least once in every 2 seconds.
Incoming CGI request The action is activated whenever the device receives a CGI request.