User Manual

For more examples of Lua actions, see and the
Application notes section.
5.7 Settings
To ensure correct operation as intended, the device settings need to be properly configured. Select
Settings in the left menu to display a sub-menu with the product settings.
5.7.1 Network mode
Does not apply to NETIO PowerPDU 4C.
To configure the network interfaces of NETIO 4ALL and NETIO 4, first click Network Mode in the
Settings menu. Four network modes are available, depending on the desired use of the Ethernet
and/or Wi-Fi network interface. Depending on the chosen network mode, you will be directed to set
the corresponding parameters for the primary network interface and, if necessary, for Wi-Fi. In
order to correctly configure the chosen network mode, all required parameters need to be set.
A warning about a possible connection loss is displayed before a network mode change:
Figure 30. Network mode change warning