User Manual

the Network Configuration section.
HTTP port Current http port. If the port number is different from 80, it has to be
specified in the web browser after the NETIO 4x IP address, e.g.:
Output start interval
Delay in seconds before the NETIO 4x outputs are switched on when the
device is powering up. Starting from the second output, the PowerUp
Interval must elapse after the previous output was switched on.
Disable manual control buttons When checked, outputs cannot be controlled with the hardware buttons.
Disable status LEDs
When checked, LED status indicators on the device are disabled.
Click Save Changes to save the settings. The Reset energy consumption counters option resets all
measured values for individual outputs as well as for the device as a whole.
To reset the NETIO 4x to the factory settings, click Restore Factory Defaults. This erases all
settings and restores the default values. The Keep network settings (to preserve the network
configuration) and Keep SSL CA certificates options in the confirmation dialog make it easier to re-
discover the device after the reset. To start the process of restoring factory defaults, click Reset
During the reset to factory defaults, NETIO 4x restarts. After the restart, the login
credentials will be reset to admin / admin. If you do not know the device’s new IP
address, follow the steps in the Detecting and configuring the IP address section.